THE HANGOVER REPORT – Nilo Cruz’s melodramatic EXQUISITA AGONÍA is lost in translation

Luz Nicolás in Nilo Cruz's "Exquisita Agonía" by Nilo Cruz which premiered in May at Repertorio Español.

Luz Nicolás in Nilo Cruz’s “Exquisita Agonía” by Nilo Cruz which premiered in May at Repertorio Español.

This past weekend, I caught a performance of Exquisita Agonía, the latest by Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatist Nilo Cruz (he won the coveted prize with Anna in the Tropics), which runs in repertory at Repertorio Español through August 3rd. Mr. Cruz’s play – performed in Spanish with English titles – can be characterized as a combination of a Pedro Almodóvar flick, a Eugene O’Neill play, and a telenovela. Suffice to say, Exquisita Agonía is melodramatic, to say the least. It tells the story of a family in a state of emotional fragility upon the passing of its patriarch, who was killed in a car accident. In the play, he comes back to haunt (and torture) his family in a fantastical but not altogether farfetched way that would make Mr. Almodóvar proud.

I think I know what the playwright was going for, but I found the play, particularly its shouty second act, rather too much. Indeed, it’s as if something may have been lost in translation. Although it’s a pleasure to hear the play performed in the soulful rhythms of the Spanish language, it ultimately ends up being a somewhat trite and manipulative concoction that tries to hit all the hot buttons – revelations concerning child abuse, cheating husbands, disillusioned wives, overprotective brothers, and so forth, all try to vie for our attention. The production, solidly directed by José Zayas on a surprisingly stylish set by Raul Abrego, features some uneven, over-the-top performances, but I was particularly taken by the elegant, commanding presence of Luz Nicolas as the passionate matriarch.



Off-Broadway, Play
Repertorio Español
2 hours (with one intermission)
In repertory through August 3

Categories: Off-Broadway, Theater

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